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CAMP HILL BOWLS CLUB, Brisbane. 3rd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm. Uke- and people-friendly Open Mike evening hosted by Will and Ange. Email for info.
TOWNSVILLE UKULELES, Townsville, Queensland. Ultra-friendly all-acoustic weekly jam. Check their Facebook page.
NUKES, Hillarys Boat Harbour, Western Australia (just north of Perth). A big welcoming and friendly gathering every Friday arvo in great surroundings. Check 'em out!
CORNER HOUSE JAZZ BAND, Perth, WA. I've known these guys for a hundred years. If you're going to Perth you might want to think about THIS...
LUTHIERS. If you're thinking of having a uke built to your own specification you need a reputable luthier. Yes, it's gonna cost you, but the result is a one-off that's all yours. Here are two you might consider - they both do beautiful work.
**Barron River Guitars & Ukuleles. Allen McFarlen is in Cairns, way up north in Queensland. He recently (July 2018) built a truly glorious long-neck Concert uke for me. Go see his web site.
**Wilkinson Guitars & Ukuleles. Mark Wilkinson is in Bulli, NSW. He too makes beautiful instruments. Look here.
Perth Live Ukulele cafe Klub (PLUcK), outside the Blue Duck Cafe on the beach at Cottesloe, Western Australia, 9am every Saturday morning. It's like a jam session in a bus stop, but much nicer. Email for time and location
FREMANTLE UKULELE JAM. Ideal for ukers who can handle a bit of a challenge and who enjoy open mike opportunities. See more on Facebook
UKULELE RABBLE. Never a truer word spoken, but all in the spirit of fun. North Fremantle Bowls Club every Friday afternoon, 3pm - 5pm. There's a web site.