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What's It All About?
Well, not a lot, really. I enjoy performing with the uke, so it's great to be invited to appear at various festivals and gatherings and to join in jams with local groups when we're travelling. In recent times my wife Jennie, who has always been a dancer, has taken up hula and we get some extra fun out of that. But the real purpose of this site is to connect you to events: it's your support that makes them possible.
On the Links page there are uke-friendly people and organisations I'm involved with or I've come across. Plus some others that may seem irrelevant, but I like 'em!

Exhaustive research has revealed that this is the shy and very rare (perhaps endangered - nobody really knows) Lawn Mower Gnome. I've tried to convince my wife that his presence in our backyard means that I don't have to mow the lawns any more, but she's not having it. Click the pic for a closer look...

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